

Monday, 19 October 2015

Independent report reveals loss of sunlight to Colvestone School nursery

A leading UK firm of independent environmental surveyors, Anstey Horne, has reported  that a planned development adjoining the Colvestone Primary School's nursery will result generally in "an increase of three to four times the existing levels of overshadowing"  and that the development will leave "around half of the (playground) space in the proposed scheme's shadow for a significant amount of the day for much of the year." Anstey Horne commented that the test applied in the developer's own  report was "simplistic" and "would potentially provide a misleading impression." They go on to state " we cannot agree with the report's conclusion that the increase in shadowing will be modest and that the area will continue to receive plenty of sunlight."

Colvestone Primary School south facing outdoor play/learning area for nursery school children is used throughout the day, year round, weather permitting

The private development of a café and flats obtained planning permission on 2nd September, through the use of the Committee Chair's casting vote, despite strong objections from local parents and the Head Teacher warning of the risk to children's education, health and well being. Hackney's planning officers failed to consult their colleagues in the Learning Trust which is the body responsible for education in Hackney.

How Colvestone Nursery School outdoor play/learning area will appear after the development which has received planning permission. 

Anstey Horne go on to report "The effect of the  proposed scheme will be to completely close of the open aspect to the south....This is of real concern as the additional overshadowing is likely to adversely affect the benefits that sunlight brings to the playground, making the area not just less pleasant, gloomy and cold but also preventing the drying out of the ground and surrounding surfaces. More persistent overshadowing here in colder months may prevent frost, ice and snow from thawing and increase the growth of moss, slime etc potentially making it more slippery. This is obviously of concern given the worst-affected space is dedicated area for young children's play throughout the day and year...not just at break and lunchtimes as was assumed"

The development site was once owned by Hackney and it is subject to a restrictive covenant protecting sunlight to the school's land. Hackney have failed to reply to Freedom of Information Act requests, and a local Councillor's letter, asking whether the Council will now act to prevent the loss of sunlight. 

The developers, Chan and Eayrs, say on their website, "We believe that simple things like the natural light that fills a space and awakens your spirits...enriches life in a way that is priceless".
(Indeed it does, so why are they trying to take our kids sunshine away? Ed.)

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