

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Dalston Terrace - do you want demolition and "heritage likeness" or restoration and affordable flats?

The Hackney/Murphy plan is to demolish 17 of the Georgian houses in Dalston Terrace and replace them with a "heritage likeness" scheme of 44 flats with no affordable housing.

The entrance to the former 'Sound and Music' shop at 66 Dalston Lane. On the demolition hoardings in front of it is an image of the Hackney/Murphy "heritage likeness" scheme

The Council advised its' Planning Committee, on Murphy's application to demolish everything, that "like-for-like reconstruction of the principal elevation of the terrace will ensure the appearance of the  original terrace can be reintroduced....There will be no appreciable difference.. conservation area preserved and enhanced. "
Report to Planning Sub-Committee – 5th March 2014

This is an old Victorian house at 124 Dalston Lane

This is a "heritage likeness" old Victorian house at 122 Dalston Lane

The two houses side by side - do you think that there is "no appreciable difference"? 

The Spitalfields Trust scheme would restore the 1807 houses as family homes and redevelop the remainder with a housing association to provide 24 affordable flats. ( What could be more in the public interest? Ed.)


You really CAN help the campaign by SIGNING THE PETITION and you can help the legal fighting fund by making a DONATION or by BUYING  a limited edition quality T-shirt or useful tote bag with the Save Dalston Lane logo designed by Tod Hanson

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  1. I'm not attached to Georgian architecture so I would be happy with demolition but not with replacing it with a badly designed neo-Georgian 'heritage likeness' which is what seems to be on offer here. I would prefer to see some well designed contemporary architecture instead that provides much needed housing.

  2. So it's a "lose lose" situation in your view. But you better be careful what you wish for, Heather. There's several contemporary design developments about to be thrown up in Dalston - the new bland being sold as "cool edgy" apartment blocks. (& at over £1m for the 15th storey penthouse)

  3. Ooh, that's expensive! Out of interest roughly how much would the flats be sold for if the present Georgian architecture is saved, restored and made good for new housing?

  4. The 1807 houses would be sold at market value as family homes for restoration and the profit would be used to finance 24 affordable housing association flats for rent to Hackney Council nominees

  5. Do we really need another load of affordable housing in Dalston/Hackney? The only reason that Dalston has been dragged out of the gutter is due to the influx of private blocks and buyers over the past few years. Previously the whole central area of Dalston was like one huge ugly housing estate. There is more than enough affordable housing in this area, for those fortunate enough to be allocated. Yes restore these buildings, but why should the lucky few on the council list get them? I have been a Key Worker for 35 years, do you think I would ever get one of these flats? Not in a million years. If this happens then before long that whole section will again look like a dump, at least now it is an empty dump.

    1. Its true that the new private flats, and the flats for "affordable sale", being built in Dalston are unaffordable for key workers and for most in the local community. As for the "affordable rent" flats Hackney would probably nominate only families with children and vunerable singletons for them, because they have a legal duty towards those in greatest need. I can well understand that you feel excluded, bitter even, because of the shortage of homes and extortionate prices in London.


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