

Friday, 23 January 2015

A WAKE! Show Hackney's Mayor you object to vandalism and the loss of affordable homes

You are invited to meet at noon tomorrow, Saturday 24th January, at the ruins of 66 Dalston Lane with OPEN Dalston members to protest at Hackney Council's neglect and vandalism of our Georgian houses and its refusal to consider their restoration and the provision of affordable housing proposed by the Spitalfields Trust.

At the Hackney Planning Committee meeting on 5th March 2014, when Murphy sought permission to demolish the houses, it's architect and structural engineer advised the Committee "The stock brick was found to be of a poorer quality than expected from the Georgian era.....the bricks were already at the end of their life". This opinion was contested by Hackney's own, and OPEN's, independent engineers.The Committee's votes were equally divided and permission was granted by use of the Chair's casting vote of Councillor Stopps.

It is curious then that, as Murphy's Phase 1 demolition of 66-76 Dalston Lane is progressing, the demolition contractor is daily cleaning, stacking, wrapping and transporting hundreds of those "unusable" bricks off site for use elsewhere.


  1. Let it go man. You have lost your battle, try to be gracious in defeat. God only knows how much in court costs you have cost Hackney Council, or rather the Hackney tax payers.

    1. Have you any idea how many millions in uncollected rents and deliberate neglect of its property Hackney has cost its taxpayers? Your advice to "Let it go" would be to spare the blushes of incompetent Council officers and hypocritical politicians who don't want to be called to account for their disasters.


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