

Sunday, 17 February 2013

67A-76 Dalston Lane - amended developmennt application to be decided

These are the images for the renewed planning application to re-develop 67A - 76 Dalston Lane - the site on the corner of Dalston Lane and Martel Place E8 by the mini-roundabout which leads to the Kingsland Shopping Centre/Matalan's rear car park. This is a major strategic development which requires the Greater London Authority's, as well as Hackney Council's, approval. Unusually the developer has itself, for some reason, undertaken no public consultation and few people locally seem to know about it.

Artist's impression seen from the bridge over the North London Overground line on Dalston Lane

The Dalston Area Action Plan (DAAP) identifies the site as suitable for 4-6 storeys but Council planners now apparently consider that the DAAP is "open to interpretation" and are rumoured to be recommending approval of a frontage bloc of 5 storeys rising to 7 and 10 storeys further back.

The developer proposes 121 flats of which 70% will be one and two bedrooms. The total 'affordable' flats in the amended scheme has been reduced from 44 to 24 flats - that is 18% by habitable rooms, although Council and GLA policies targets seek to achieve 50% 'affordable' flats in new developments. 

It is expected that the majority of flats will be bought by investors and that, as elsewhere, many will simply be left empty to await house price rises.

Artist's impression seen from the shopping centre car park 

The site is part of Dalston's "designated Priority Employment Area (PEA), where employment generating floorspace (B1) will be the preferred uses.” The developer claims that the 50 desk spaces proposed will result in a net employment gain but overlooks the total loss of all affordable studios used by some 60 or more artists who will be displaced  from the site and an overall reduction of at least 25% of the existing employment area.

Artists impression of the view from the listed German Hospital and Lutheran Church in Ritson Road, within the Graham Road and Mapledene Conservation Area on the east side of Dalston Lane.

The development will dominate the residential buildings of the Conservation Area opposite the site and, with other tall buildings, will contribute to the "cliff" effect lining the Eastern Curve pedestrian route overlooking the Kingsland Shopping Centre car park.

You can view the planning application documents on-line here. It is not too late to send your comments by email here

You can also sign an on-line petition here opposing the development which local residents will present to the Council in due course

1 comment:

  1. Probably worth mentioning that this is what I think will be the tallest cross-laminated timber framed building in the world. And since it provides many homes located close to employment in inner London and near a public transport hub, it has to be one of the most environmentally sustainable developments around.
    More on cross-laminated timber structures here;


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