

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

English Heritage object to Dalston Kingsland scheme

English Heritage have written to Hackney Council pointing out that the Dalston Kingsland towerblock proposal conflicts not only with national planning policies but also with the Council's own policies in the Dalston Area Action Plan.

An artists impression of the 50 metre high, 18-storey tower planned for the Peacocks site next to Dalston Kingsland station.

The report highlights the Council's own Core Policy 25 which states that "All development should make a positive contribution to the character of Hackney's historic and built environment . This includes identifying, conserving and enhancing the historic significance of the borough's designated heritage assets, their setting and where appropriate the wider historic environment"

The 1902/3 Grade 2 listed building (Cooke's old Eels Pie and Mash shop) a few doors along from the proposed development site

The English Heritage report notes that the site is surrounded by the Kingsland, Stoke Newington and St Marks Conservation Areas and it particularly highlights the architectural heritage of the Grade 2 listed building next to the site and also recommends that another building in the group, the Kingsland Pub, should be listed by the Council.

The Kingsland Pub - "a good Jacobethan red brick building with stone dressings..animated with Dutch gables, pediments, a cupola and decorated cornices". It is part of an exquisite group which includes the Grade 2 listed Cooke's building

The High Street frontage of the proposed building will dominate, and diminish, the neighbouring historic group and the human scale of the surroundings

English Heritage advises that, contrary to the Council's policies, " the setting of the listed building... is harmed by the proposal" and that "the bulk and materials of of the proposed building will detract from the small scale of the (St Mark's) conservation area"

The 50 metre, 18 storey tower is taller than the Dalston policy recommends and will dominate Boleyn Road and compromise its future development

English Heritage reminds Hackney of government policy that "the greater the negative impact, the greater the benefits that will be needed to justify the approval". Regarding the tower, which is set back from the high street, "it will greatly change the character of Boleyn Road and we encourage the local planning authority to test this impact"

The proposed tower will have no affordable housing. It will dominate and cast shadow over local homes, businesses, Colvestone Primary School, locally listed buildings and public amenity space. It will be an exclusive private block with duplex penthouse apartments costing about £1million each. Most flats will be sold to overseas investors.The developer of this £50 million scheme is offering just £1.7 million to upgrade the Dalston Kingsland station. What price Dalston?

It's not too late to make your views known to the Council. Send them in an email to and put "Planning Application 2011/3439 : 51- 57 Kingsland High Street" in the Subject line

You can see details of Dalston Kingland planning application 2011/3439 on the Council's web site here. The Council's official consultation deadline has now been extended.

You can read a summary of OPEN Dalston's main objections here.You can read our more detailed submission to Greater London Authority here

The "Dressed in Green" tower is being promoted by the developer's PR company, Four Communications, which has recruited Hackney's Deputy Mayor Karen Alcock and Councillor Alan Laing (formerly a member of Barratt's PR firm Hard Hat). "We are keen to use Alan’s extensive network of contacts within London politics" said Councillor Laing's new Managing Director whose company is also promoting the new Sainsburys planned for Stoke Newington and the controversial Stamford Hill school development.

PS - Cllr. Alan Laing is no longer representing the people of Hackney - he has resigned. He will be remembered particularly for his work "regenerating" Ridley Road market

1 comment:

  1. "English Heritage object to Dalston Kingsland scheme".
    Do they?
    "In summary English Heritage do not formally object.. They do not wish to be consulted further on the


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