

Tuesday, 7 March 2006

The impact in Dalston of current Transport for London proposals for buildings at Dalston Junction

Do these proposals reflect the Dalston Area Action Plan "Vision & Objectives"?

… "to consolidate and strengthen Dalston's unique character"?
(looking south from Kingsland High Street)

… "an attractive new gateway to Dalston… a benchmark of the urban quality that will define Dalston in the future"?
(looking north from Kingsland Road)

… "development which complements nearby buildings… and protects and enhances the quality of Dalston's built fabric"?
Looking North from Roseberry Place)

… "creates new views and vista or enhance the existing ones"?
(Looking East from Balls Pond Road)

… "create attractive skylines"?
(Looking west from Queensbridge Road junction with Dalston Lane)

… "landmark buildings help to define the area"?
Looking east from Stamford Road


  1. That is shocking. I can't believe what is being done to Dalston in the name of 'regeneration'.

  2. It is really important that as many people as possible complain to the Planning Department at Hackney Council about these plans as a matter of urgency. Email quoting planning application no. 2005/2840 and remember to add your name and address!

  3. I live off Dalston Lane but towards Hackney Downs Stn and had no idea that these plans had been proposed; presumably I don't count as close enough to have an opinion. Shocking is the word. I would love to speak to the person(s) at Hackney Council who believe this is sensitive to Dalston's heritage (though clearly they don't give a stuff about heritage otherwise the theatre wouldn't be an issue).

  4. Why the need to build that many flats for the redevelopment of a railway station, apart from naked greed on behalf of the developers?

    Sensitive to local buildings? It's a bunch of high-rise tower blocks in an area of dense low-lying Victoriana.

    They're not even interesting tower block for ffs! They're just big square blocks!

    Landmark buildings my @rse.

  5. An old-time Dalston resident writing from Helsinki: Horror. It seems they'll only be happy when we all live in little grey boxes stacked up to block the sun. For those that can't afford that, the street's are too good - you'll soon be moved on. Yves de Cent

  6. Demolishing the theatre was madness. But why this hatred of tall buildings. If the victorians had had the same attitude Dalston would be all 2 storey cottages and not Dalston. London has to find ways to fit in more people.Its either Paris or L.A which do you think is the more pleasent to live in? Dalston is full or conservation areas.


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