

Monday, 20 February 2006

Dalston Theatre occupied in protest at demolition threat

The Victorian and Georgian buildings at 4-14 Dalston Lane, E8, are now occupied by people who are concerned at the threat of demolition. OPEN understands that council officers are currently seeking to effect re-entry to the buildings.

The historic site, which consists of the Victorian Dalston Theatre and a pair of Georgian townhouses, was condemned to total demolition by a Council Planning Sub-Committee on 6 February 2006.

The Council Committee’s decision to vote for total demolition disregarded many objections from the local community, heritage agencies and community groups as well as OPEN, which is committed to seeing the buildings re-used as part of a wider regeneration for the area.



  1. Hello, I think what you are doing is fantastic and wonderful! I have passed the theatre on my way to work for over 4 months now, and each time I am taken by grace, it would be awful so see it demolished! As no doubt what is intended to take it’s place will claim to serve the existing communities in Dalston, but will only really aid the yuppies who LB of Hackney seem intent on catering for! It would be horrible to see it go!!

    Please let me know if I can help in anyway!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hello, I think what you are doing is fantastic and wonderful! I have passed the theatre on my way to work for over 4 months now, and each time I am taken by grace, it would be awful so see it demolished! As no doubt what is intended to take it’s place will claim to serve the existing communities in Dalston, but will only really aid the yuppies who LB of Hackney seem intent on catering for! It would be horrible to see it go!!

    Please let me know if I can help in anyway!


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