51-57 Kingsland Road - OPEN Dalston's objections to planning application number 2013/2042
We note that the applicant
has amended its proposal, principally by reducing the height of the tower from
19 to 15 storeys. We do not consider that this amendment sufficiently mitigates
the adverse impacts identified in our objections of October 2013 which we now
We also consider that it
would be premature for the Committee to determine the application at this stage
for the following reasons:
Design Review Panel has not seen the proposal since February 2013 when it commented that “Overall the tower is not of sufficient
design quality to form such a prominent landmark in this busy area of Hackney”.
It referred to “fragmented form” and
continued “the plan form remains
unconvincing” and the Panel “remains
to be convinced that the quality of design is sufficient …etc” (Report para
for the poor amended design is confirmed by:
the comments of Islington Council refers to
the 5-storey tower being “in a location
that is highly inappropriate for a tall building” and “The recent 5 storey reduction in height makes the proposed cylindrical
tower appear more stocky and inelegant”. (Report para 4.6.11)
comments of the Mayor of London who would like to see “a more appropriately designed building that is more in keeping with its
surrounding and the Kingsland High Street Character Area”
the importance of the site the Panel should be asked to comment upon the latest
amendments to the proposal
In these
circumstances the Committee can not be satisfied that the development will meet
the requirements of the Tall Building Strategy for a building which is taller
than the surrounding buildings (of 3-4 storey) or alternatively taller than 10
has been no Equalities Impact Assessment of the proposal with particular regard
to the views of, or specific consultation with,
the Jewish community on the impact of the proposal on the Jewish Burial
Ground ( Kingsbury Conservation Area) . Notwithstanding the comment that “the development cannot be seen from the
Kingsbury Conservation Area” (Report para 6.7.29) the view photograph, at
page 77/78 of the report and described as View 23, illustrates the
dramatic visual impact the tower will have from the Kingsbury Conservation
Area “immediately outside the burial
Report, and the heritage assessment, have failed to have regard to the adverse
impact of the development on The Kingsland (PH) which, we understand, is now a
designated heritage asset
For the
forgoing reasons, planning permission should be refused or alternatively
OPEN Dalston objections concerning planning application number 2013/2042
regarding51-57 Kingsland Road, Hackney
OPEN Dalston considers that
the applicant’s proposal does not comply with the Dalston Area Action Plan, the
LPAs Core Strategy, the London Plan and the NPPF. In summary, the proposal
amounts to overdevelopment which, whilst it extracts huge development value from
the site, it does so to the detriment of the surrounding area and without
conferring adequate community benefit. OPEN Dalston considers that for these
and the following reasons, planning permission should be refused.
Dalston Area Action Plan
1.1 The
Dalston AAP Policy DTC03 : Heritage.
This policy provides that existing
buildings and open spaces of historic and architectural merit must be conserved
and enhanced.
supporting text to policy DTC03, at page 30, states that a Character Appraisal of heritage assets
(prepared by the Council) is a requirement to ensure that proposals are
informed by a sound appreciation of the town centre’s distinct characteristics and
which will establish a robust management strategy for their conservation and
At the present time the required Character
Appraisal is not available to inform to the Council of the benefits and
detriments of the proposal. In these circumstances, determination of the
application is premature and should be deferred until a Character Appraisal is
1.2 The Dalston
AAP Policy DTC04.1: Building Heights. This policy provides that development
proposals are to adhere to the building heights parameters identified in Figure
8 and, in addition, seek to meet additional objectives.
Figure 8 identifies the site for
“predominantly 4-6 storeys with potential for some taller building elements
(10-15 storeys, subject to further feasibility and evaluation).”
The application is for a 19-storey building
and so does not adhere to Policy DTC04 .1 and should therefore be refused.
1.3 The
Dalston AAP Policy DTC04 .2 1:
Building Heights. This policy provides that very tall buildings will not be appropriate. Tall
buildings are defined, with reference to the Hackney Tall Buildings Strategy,
as between 10 – 15 storeys and that buildings taller than this, by exception, may only be considered appropriate
where it is satisfactorily demonstrated that, in addition to satisfying the
eleven codes of the Hackney Tall Buildings Strategy, :-
- additional height is required by way of
robust viability testing, to bring additional significant regeneration benefits
as well as achieving
- excellence
in design of an exemplar building that positively enhances the character of the
Town Centre.
application is for a very tall building ( ie one which exceeds 15 storeys) and
in these circumstances the building would be inappropriate for the DAAP area.
the building would not satisfy the exception to Policy DTC04.2. The applicant does
claim that the requirements for the exception are met. The additional height does
not result in additional significant regeneration benefits and the building is
not an exemplar that positively enhances the character of the Town Centre.
The application does not adhere to Policy
DTC04 .2 and should therefore be refused.
The site
extends to 0.18 hectares and is in a Major Town Centre and has a PTAL rating of
6a. These factors attract policy support under the London Plan for higher
densities of housing within the range of 650<1100 240="" dwellings="" habitable="" hectare="" o:p="" or="" per="" rooms="">1100>
applicant proposal is for 125 dwellings and so has a density of 2,027 hr ha/ 694
dwellings per hectare. This is almost double the upper London Plan range and is
indicative of overdevelopment of the site and is contrary to LPA policy and London
Plan policy 3.5
For these reasons the application should be
application is for 111 private flats (89%) in the tower & 14 affordable
flats (11%) in the frontage building. All would be for sale with no affordable
rented homes.
The LPA’s housing policy (July 2005) provides
that developments exceeding 10 units should aim to achieve 50% affordable homes
of which 60% should be for social rent & 40% for intermediate homes.
There is
a presumption that all sites which are suitable for private housing are also
suitable for affordable housing. The applicant does not seek to argue that
off-site affordable housing, or cash in lieu, is appropriate for the present
applicant’s proposal falls far short of the policy target for on-site
affordable homes and for inclusion of an appropriate proportion of social
rented or affordable rented homes and is contrary to LPA policy and London Plan
policy 3.11 & 3.12
All the
affordable flats are in the frontage block contrary to the LPAs policy for
integration of housing tenures and contrary to London Plan policy 3.9. The
block is on the noisiest part of the site, overlooking the railway and the high
street and with a separate entrance.
In all,
34 flats (27%) would be 3-bed of which 3 (2.51%) would be affordable.There are
no flats exceeding 3-beds. The LPAs Core Strategy, Policy 20, notes that the
greatest need in Hackney is for affordable family housing. The LPA’s policy
provides that developments should aim to provide 1/3 of dwellings as 3 bed/4
person homes and 1/3 as 4 bed/4-6 person homes. The applicant’s proposal fails
far short of the policy target.
market indicators show that some 60<85 acquired="" adequate="" and="" are="" attracted="" be="" been="" buy-to-let="" by="" calculations="" child="" conditions="" consequence="" considered="" conventional="" currently="" east="" families="" for="" have="" homes="" in="" investors.="" is="" likely="" living="" london="" needs.="" new="" normally="" not="" o:p="" of="" overcrowded="" overseas="" per="" predominantly="" properties="" reality="" rent="" size="" that="" the="" their="" this="" to="" underestimates.="" unit="" which="" would="" yield="">85>
In these
circumstances we consider that the provision of child play space should meet
and exceed London Plan Policy policy 3.6, unless occupancy is to be conditioned
in some way (of which there are no proposals) and we note that the applicants
existing provision does not meet current policy guidelines in any event.
For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
consider that, if planning permission is granted, the proposed 3-bedroomed
homes should be conditioned for occupation as single family households only.
application site, at 51-57 Kingsland Road, is on a historic high street where
the buildings are generally of 3-4 storeys in height.
indicated at 1.2 & 1.3 above the proposed height (19-storeys/62 metres) is
inappropriate for the area and does not meet the requirements for exception.
proposal will not satisfying the eleven codes of the Hackney Tall Buildings Strategy
The development
site is adjacent to a surface, and two sub-surface, railway lines, namely the
North London Overground line, the East London Line extension and the channel
tunnel rail link to Kings Cross. Consequently, due to engineering constraints,
there is limited opportunity to site neighbouring tall buildings. The
development will not form part of a cluster of tall buildings but will appear
as an isolated structure and an incongruous addition to the historic high
The LPAs
policy DTC11 provides that new developments should “respect
public open space & streets ensuring that building forms are appropriately
scaled to their contexts and do not provide excessive overshadowing” and DTC22
“respect and relate to the strong Victorian
character, particularly in terms of building height, scale,massing,building
line and style and incorporate a regular vertical rhythm”. The proposal does
not acknowledge or respect its neighbours or the locality, is overscale, will
cause excessive overshadowing and overlooking, and pays very limited regard to
these policy objectives. The proposal is contrary to LPS policies and London
Plan policy 7.6 B d & 7.7.C b & c.
The adopted
DAAP identifies that “A taller building
element may be appropriate at the rear of the site, while retaining the scale
of the Kingsland High Street frontage intact”. The applicants proposal
meets neither of the latter objectives. The frontage block would comprise
4-storeys plus parapet plus roof terrace which exceeds the parapet and the roof
lines of the current High Street. It will dominate its neighbours to the
detriment of the character of nearby buildings.
A 19-storey tower would exceed the DAAP indication of a building of
potentially between 10 -15 storeys. The applicant provides no adequate justification
for a building of the height proposed.
applicant promotes the design as a ‘landmark’ building however any building of
five storeys or above would be taller than its surroundings and so of prominent
landmark appearance. No justification is given for a landmark building which necessitates
a 19 storey structure.
states that “retaining Dalston’s unique
character and heritage is a key goal”. A development of modern imaginative
design would be consistent with Dalston’s character but the excessive height
and mass of the proposal not only fails to strengthen local character and
identity but dominates the human scale of the surrounding buildings to the
extent of damaging Kingsland High Street’s local character and identity.
For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
Impact on the natural environment
tower exceeds 60 metres in height. The tower will create both long and wide shadows over large areas of Dalston Kingsland. Like a
lighthouse in reverse it will take light from public space, local homes and roof
gardens, businesses, locally listed buildings and from Ridley Road market.
The Daylight and Sunlight
consultant (GVA's) report concludes that the overshadowing effect of the
proposed tower has “no significant impact" on
neighbouring windows. However, of the 37 tests undertaken for residential
sunlight, their report reveals that 26 (70%) failed the British Standard by exceeding
a 20% loss and one amenity area has nearly 50%
loss of sunlight in winter. Of 44 tests for residential daylight (excluding
Boleyn Road to the west of the site), 33 (70%) will lose more than 20% of
To the
east of the site is the entrance to Ridley Road market which extends eastward.
The market contributes significantly to the social and economic vitality of the
town centre. GVA’s report states that overshadowing will affect the market only
by 5pm but no evidence of this assertion is produced, and so further evidence
should be sought.
To the
north east of the development site is the locally listed building at 74-76
Kingsland High Street. GVA’s report fails to consider the environmental effect
of the development on this site and further specific information should be
report states wrongly that the tower
would not impact on Colvestone Primary School because it is overshadowed by its
own buildings. In fact, the front elevations of the school, with its windows,
garden and listed railings, face south, and its nursery playground is on the
south/west side, and are not overshadowed by the school buildings. Further
information should be sought concerning the overshadowing impact on these
school amenities.
noise consultant reports only with regard to the interior environments of the
flats, particularly on the towers’ north side adjacent to the railway. The
Applicant has failed to report on the impact of airborne sound reflected from
the north face of the development , arising from the railway ,on homes and
businesses to the north of the development site
The wind
consultant’s report identifies that the design of the development creates
adverse accelerated wind speeds locally in ground level public areas so as to
render them unsuitable for sitting.
For these reasons the application should therefore
be refused
Impact on Townscape & Heritage Assets
Tavenor report Townscape and Visual Assessment acknowledges the existence of
the four conservation areas which surround the site and the presence of the
Grade2 listed building at 41 Kingsland High Street (formerly Cooke’s Eel Pie
and Mash shop). We strongly disagree with the report’s conclusions that the
development will not harm the views and settings of any relevant heritage
assets and that no mitigation measures are required.
Grade II listed building at 41 Kingsland Road, and the locally listed Kingsland
PH at 37-39 Kingsland Road, form part of a terraced group of four storey
buildings at 37-49 Kingsland Road constructed in about 1902/3 (“the group”). In
our opinion the front elevations of this group comprise one of the most
attractive terraces surviving in Dalston in view of the diversity and quality
of the designs and the fine detailing. They have obvious historic and
architectural merit and townscape value. They are in a prominent position
opposite the high street entrance to Dalston Kingsland shopping centre. The
Tavenor report fails to recognise the quality of this group’s elevations and to
assess the impact of the development on them.
Tavenor report does focus on 41 Kingsland Road but only on the unattractive
recent additions to the rear, and on its splendid interior which would be
unaffected by the development. However
the listing record for 41 Kingsland Road records the character & detail of
its front elevation in considerable detail. It is the whole building which is
listed, not just it’s interior. The Tavenor report fails to consider adequately
the character of the elevation and the setting of the listed building, and its
group, and the adverse impact which the development would have on its setting.
proposed 4 storey frontage plus parapet plus roof terrace of the proposed
development would immediately abut the
group in an overbearing manner and would dominate it and thereby diminish its
character and prominence. We consider that limiting the development frontage at
51-57 Kingsland Road to three storeys with a roof terrace would preserve the
setting of the listed building and its group whereas the proposed development
would damage it.
To the
east of the proposed development are listed buildings within the St Marks
Conservation Area. These include St Marks church (Grade II*) and Colvestone
Primary School (Grade II) which is
within 100 yards of the Ridley Road market entrance on Kingsland Road directly
opposite the proposed development. The Tavenor report omits any assessment of
the effect of the proposed development on the school’s setting.
the proposed development are the locally listed buildings at 74-76 Kingsland
High Street. The Tavenor report fails to consider the effect of the development
on their setting at all.
some years the characterful period buildings of Boleyn Road (south of
Crossway), have all been carefully restored and developed to a human scale.
They provide the western entrance and the setting of Gillett Square and
Bradbury Street which are of considerable importance locally for its public
amenity space and for the Vortex Jazz Club and numerous independent businesses.
The tower would have an incongruous presence which would dominate an area of
micro-regeneration and creativity.
Tavenor report fails to adequately consider the setting of the listed Rio
Cinema, and in particular the bleak north face of the tower, when arriving in
the Town Centre past the Rio from the north. The tower, and frontage block, would
all exceed the existing roof lines and would appear overscaled and would diminish
the prominence of the high street buildings.
The ground
plus 19-storey elevation of the tower on its west side severely compromises
Boleyn Road and its future development potential.
Tavenor report’s failure to consider all the relevant heritage assets which
would be adversely affected by the development is a serious omission and that
the report is not compliant with PPS5, HE6.1 & 6.2., DTC22
proposed development does not acknowledge or respect the historic setting and
would not preserve or enhance the local heritage assets but would infact damage
their settings. For this reason the proposed development as currently designed is not compliant with
PPS7 , the London Plan 7.8.D, the LPAs
Core Strategy Policies 24 & 25 and the DAAP Policies DTC02 & 03
proposal it is not compliant with the Council’s policy comprised within “The
State of Our Historic Environment”
For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
As noted
above the development reduces the existing retail offer and fails to make any
provision for employment uses on the upper floors contrary to policy DTC – CA1
For these reasons the application should therefore
be refused
The present
use of the ground floor commercial unit is by Peacocks, a clothing retailer.
The site’s previous occupant was Sainsbury’s supermarket. The Applicant argues
for building over the Boleyn Road delivery yard to the rear of the site which may
not be required for the current occupant. We consider that future occupancy of
the site is likely to change over the duration of the buildings’ lifetime and
the absence of a delivery yard will restrict potential future uses and/or
compromise the traffic management and residential character of Boleyn Road
For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
Public Consultation
We are
informed that the applicant’s
pre-application consultation did not include discussion with Colvestone Primary
School which will be directly affected by the proposed development. We
understand that the school presently has no additional capacity.
We are
informed that the applicant’s pre-application consultation did not include discussion
with Ridley Road Market Traders Association which will be directly affected by
the proposed development.
tower will be in close proximity to the jewish burial ground but the applicant
has not apparently consulted the jewish community
The applicant’s
Statement of
Community Involvement incorrectly claims
to have held a pre-application consultation meeting with OPEN Dalston.
For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
Planning history
The previous planning
application for a tower on Peacocks site was rejected on grounds which included
it's height, scale and mass being detrimental to the area's appearance, the
absence of affordable housing, the reduction in retail floor space and because
its design would compromise future development of Dalston Kingsland rail
In comparison with the
proposal previously refused, the new proposal is taller with more storeys, has
only 11 affordable homes (of which none are for rent), has reduced retail floor
space, and the proposal to contribute £1 million for station improvements is a
reduction of the £1.7million improvements previously proposed. The grounds for
refusing the previous application are equally applicable to the current
proposal, if not more so. For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
consider that the applicant’s proposal would amount to overdevelopment of the
site by reason of its excessive scale, mass, height and density. Several
indicators support this conclusion notably the incongruous appearance of the
tower looming over the streetscape, the adverse impact upon the natural
environment of the surrounding area and the detrimental impact on the area’s
historic assets. Whilst the development may extract huge value from the site’s
modest footprint, it does so at the expense of the surrounding natural and
built environment.
For these reasons the application should
therefore be refused
For the
forgoing reasons, planning permission should be refused.
OPEN Dalston is
an association of people who live or work in Dalston. OPEN is an acronym for Organisation
for Promotion of Environmental Needs Limited. OPEN's objects are to promote
excellence in the quality of the built environment, in the provision of
transportation and in the provision of amenities, and to ensure that changes to
these have proper regard to the needs of residents and businesses and the
maintenance of a sustainable residential and business community.
Reading the excellent comments made by OPEN Dalston, I find extremely difficult to comprehend that the authorities have disregarded them totally and that the scheme may have gone through. Can ANYTHING still be done against it? Me and my neighbours are horrified by this. Did Hackney Council approve this because of fear of pressures from the developers? If the Council has such limited powers to defend the citizens from such greedy buildings, who totally disregard the impact people's lives, God save us.