

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Hackney Council is "strangling the market with red tape"

The Ridley Road Market Traders Association has sent in objections to Hackney's plans to increase market fees and charges and to impose draconian licensing conditions on its traders by 1st April.

Hackney's 280 conditions have been described as a licence for slavery. The Association commented that "Our overall view is that, far from helping the market, the existing and new conditions are strangling it with red tape" and that "the imposition of these requirements make many traders businesses unviable".

The Association described the Council's consultation as a "deeply flawed process" and its proposed licensing conditions as "oppressive and disproportionate" which could lead to "a loss of respect for and ridicule of the regulatory process, and expose both [Council] officers and traders to allegations of abuse and to actual abuse"

The Council did not consult the Association on its plans and refused to extend its consultation period. However Councillor Nicholson informed the Association that "officers would consider its views". Traders voted overwhelming to reject the Council's plans at a meeting last Thursday, organised by the Association, and now await the outcome of  their objections.