On Wednesday 3rd July Hackney's Planning Committee will consider TfL's application to build 106 flats and shops on Dalston's 'Western Curve'. Will the Committee agree with Hackney officers' recommendations or with the objectors?
- it provides "a well defined distinction between the public realm and the private space behind the main building facades"
- it's a privatised enclosure of public land to create a gated community
- "the level of affordable housing proposed is the maximum amount that can be reasonably achieved on the site"
- providing only 9 out of 106 flats for affordable rent is totally inadequate
- "the sites are not suitable for provision of open space"
- TfL and Hackney have ignored the local community's desire for some green public space on the sites
- "reduces its mass at sensitive locations to create a more responsive and sculpted form" and causes "no substantial harm to heritage significance"
- the designs are bland, undistinguished and will dominate the High Street and its historic buildings.
- the overshadowing "impacts to this (Grade II listed) property are not considered to be significant... because the property is not in residential use
- the overshadowing of the Grade II listed building, as TfL's consultant's say, is "Substantially Adverse"
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You can read OPEN Dalston's objections here. You can see the TfL's planning application documents here. You can read Hackney's report to its Planning Committee here.